Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just like Norm from Cheers only not an over weight alcoholic

I am not in the mood to have shame about being a total Diva when the fish guys at my local fish market knows my name when I walk in the door, announce they have my favorite Kumamoto Oysters and then gives me 15 instead of the 12 I actually paid for.  I will be honest… I totally love it and am fully aware that these feelings are at the peak or narcissistic behavior but I just can’t help myself…
I consider Kumamot’s a “gateway” oyster.  It’s not too fishy, not to briny, just enough body, no slime just enough sea/oyster water and is actually rather sweet.   If you were so so on other types of oysters give this kind a try the next time around and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.  I like them with ONE drop of red tobacco sauce and a liberal squeeze of FRESH lemon.  This is no time to use a lemon substitute for god’s sake. 
Is it work it?  I tend to cut, scrape or jab myself at least one time for each dozen oysters I chuck…. I use an oyster knife to open, I hold onto it with a towel and cover my hand with another towel, I clean the sand and junk out of the hinge crack so that doesn’t get in the way or slide into the oyster when you open it – thereby leaving a bunch of crap in your oyster when you go to eat it.  And, of course I open it at the hinge which can sometimes be challenging to find.  But is it worth it?  Hellzz yaaa it’s worth it.  But not every weekend.

I learned this technique when the fish buy let me back behind the counter and showed me how.  And this invitation had absolutely NOTHING to do with how low cut my shirt was, that a little bit of my bra was showing and I was wearing go-go pants with high see-through heals.  Just kidding.  But in all fairness – being a foodie does mean that I have respect for people in the food industry and some of those mongers are pretty easy on the eyes too ;-)

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